Migrating Towards Growth and Oblivion? A Contextual Account of the Lives and Work of Spanish-Mexican Composers María Teresa Prieto and Emiliana de Zubeldía


  • Claudia Christina Chibici-Revneanu Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, UNAM, León.



Palabras clave:

compositoras, género y migración, María Teresa Prieto, Emiliana de Zubeldía.


Drawing from an interdisciplinary methodology which brings together feminist musicology, gender, and migration, as well as cultural studies, this article focuses on the lives and works of 20th-century Spanish-Mexican composers María Teresa Prieto and Emiliana de Zubeldía. It aims to analyze their biographies within the context of the frequent under-representation of women in discussions about migration and music. It will show how geographical displacement enhanced their creative development and careers by allowing them to develop broad networks, giving them enriched processes of cultural transfer, involving them in rival national/regional identity claims, and liberating them from restrictive (musical) gender norms. Nevertheless, their contextual advantages proved insufficient in the face of more powerful gender-discriminatory structures within the musical sphere, which have typically truncated musical women’s journeys by oblivion.


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Biografía del autor/a

Claudia Christina Chibici-Revneanu, Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores, UNAM, León.


Claudia Chibici-Revneanu (Graz, Austria 1978) is a full-time research professor for the Intercultural Development and Management undergraduate program at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is also member of the government research program (SNI, Level 1). Her alma mater is the University of Warwick, from which she graduated with a BA in in English and Italian Literature, an MA in Creative and Media Enterprises , and a PhD in Cultural Policy Studies. She is a contributor to books and an author of literary and academic essays published in several national and international magazines. Claudia Chibici-Revneanu combines her research with developing and promoting cultural projects, and her work has included giving creative writing workshops and conference-concerts on women composers. In 2017 she received the UNAM's prestigious Sor Juana Inés de Cruz award, the same year that saw the publication of her first novel, Of Murder, Muses and Me by Jacaranda, a London-based publisher. The book has been translated into Spanish (Universo de Libros, 2019).

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Cómo citar

Chibici-Revneanu, C. C. (2020). Migrating Towards Growth and Oblivion? A Contextual Account of the Lives and Work of Spanish-Mexican Composers María Teresa Prieto and Emiliana de Zubeldía. Revista Interdisciplinaria De Estudios De Género De El Colegio De México, 6(1), 1–34. https://doi.org/10.24201/reg.v6i0.543


